We spent our holidays in Southern California with both sides of the family. This photo was used by Grandma and Grandpa for their Christmas card collage. We had to take it in our backyard with the camera timer. I am amazed that everyone was looking in the right direction!
Matthew took Ryan and Lia to California Adventures with cousins Melanie and Katherine. It was a cold day, but they had a blast!
For Thankgiving 2007, we spent time in Tahoe Donner with Amah, Agon, the Chen-Carters, and the Chen-Machules. A version of this photo served as the Christmas card photo for Amah and Agon. They are so proud of their brood.
Ryan and Lia played soccer again this season with their teams, the Hawks and the Eagles. It seemed to be a turning point in their soccer careers as Ryan started scoring goals, and Lia showed her aggressive side, too.